Friday, August 24, 2012

Statists brillant deceit and strategy

Leftists have the objective, among others, of imposing and spreading their belief and ideology to the rest of society, and the whole world, because the existence of a society that does not practice their philosophy and is succesfull, will always carry the possibility and risk of people realizing that there exists a better system of social organization, that collectivism is no panacea, even though this has been shown conclusively after the reign of communism in half the world for almost a century. People have rejected it and the ones that suffered from it are in no mood to go back. One of the techniques that leftists have employed consists of confusing the terminology. For example, in the US, the left is “the liberal”, while in the rest of the world it is the opposite, the liberal is the one that supports Liberalism, as described by Ludwig Von Mises and others, which supports freedom, free-markets and capitalism. The leftists have also appropriated the term “progressive”, because it implies progress, and one would think that nobody would be against progress. But think again, “progressives” are against progress!, they would rather protect a spotted owl rather than a hungy kid or unemployed father, they would rather protect a swamp rather than build a house for shelter, they would rather forbid cutting a tree rather than allow a responsible logger earn his living and feed his family. In reality progressives want to convince us that igualitarism is a noble objective, and that an elite of “illuminated” individuals with all the power can achieve it, if only we surrender all our rights, all our possessions and our freedom. An important characteristic of the statist is that his political beliefs are accepted as a cult, as a religion; as every religion, one accepts its principles without questions, the faith is not open to discussion or arguments, it is what is is; we must accept it as the Truth. And that is ok for religion, but not fot a discussion of the best system of social, political and economic organization for society. To the capitalist (or conservative) , the truth is based on fact, on reality, it must be discovered, or investigated; the conservative asks questions and seeks answers. This difference of approach and attitudes make a discussion between a statist and a capitalist, of ideas and of solutions, so difficult, if not impossible. And it is why the statist, even when confronted with the failures of its policies, cannot accept it, and its arguments are almost always directed towards distorting and twisting reality, towards attacking the person sitting in front of them (the messenger) or point their fingers toward “the guilty” of such outcomes. And one of the most perverse and tragic situations has been, in my view, the assignment of guilt to capitalism of the failures of government intervention in the economy, and in society in general. I must recognize that statists and burocrats have skillfully managed this narrative, and the way they have taken advantage of this technique has been masterfull: to blame the system you want to defeat for the failures of the system you want to impose is just brilliant. This has created and fueled a deep hatred of capitalism and the acceptance that government intervention is not only effective but also desired to solve society’s problems, which would have been imposible otherwise. As one great patriot warned us: “Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction. We did not pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United Stated when men whee free.

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