Monday, August 12, 2013

Free Food, food stamps, by Paula Priesse

August 11th – This highlight from ”Fox News Reporting: The Great Food Stamp Binge” 29-year-old Jason Greenslate of La Jolla CA gets up late each day before heading to the beach to hit the waves. A rock musician at night, Greenslate suffers for his “art.” One listen of Jason’s music and you realize his audience suffers as well. So who’s to deny this gnarly surfer dude his lobster on the barbie? Certainly not the government, as Jason often puts lobster (and his beloved sushi) on his EBT card. Greenslate: “It’s free food, it’s awesome.” Not long ago you could only get food stamps for 3 months every 3 years, unless you worked 20 hours/week or were in workfare or a job training program. But in 2009 O nixed these restrictions in his stimulus bill, so Jason now gets “free food” all year long. A big reason why Greenslate says he doesn’t want no “motherf***ing job.” Jason did though thank taxpayers for supporting his lifestyle. But is his story unique? Probably not, in the 1970s 1 in 50 Americans were on food stamps. Today it’s 1 in 6. In surfer lingo that’s “radical.” It sure is. P

comment: when we talk about "free", do you really believe it's free? whatever it is, does it grow in nature? or does it need to be produced or harvested, or assembled? if it does, then it's not free, you are just taking from the producer and giving it to the recipient for "free". The producer might have elected to give it away, in the form of charity. But if you take it by force, i.e taxation, it's still enslaving some people for the benefit of others, and the only one that can do that is the government...or criminals (in this case they take ir for their own benefit). Whether the producer has 1 million or 1 penny is irrelevant.....

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